Pore of a sweat gland

The pore (Porus sudoriferus) is the opening of the secretory duct of the sweat gland. It is located in the surface of the skin.
Sweat glands (see Illustration in Skin Care Forum No. 25) have a tubular shape. Each gland consists of a secretory part and an excretory duct. The convoluted secretory portion of the sweat gland is located immediately below the dermis in the subcutaneous tissue. It is coiled in itself.
The secretory part of the gland changes into a duct which passes through the dermis in a relatively straight way. The duct follows a spiral course through the epidermis. The secretory duct opens into in the surface of the skin (Porus sudoriferus).
On average, the skin produces 500 ml of water per day. Within 24 hours an adult produces approximately 100 ml sweat if he is not exposed to heat and physical exercise. Sweat production may rise to over 10 liters per day during strenuous work or heat exposure.
Source: Ham, A.A.; Histology, J.B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia/Toronto (1974); Elementa dermatologica, 1989, p. 62.